Use this to create more Balance

Walking a tight rope can be made to look easy when someone is skillful at it yet finding the balance between the air and the earth, gravity and matter takes much practice and dedication. The same analogy can be applied to your life.
Sometimes finding balance is easy, usually because you have set about something with positive intention, practice or a strong belief that what you desire can be achieved. It on the other hand can be very difficult if you have not dedicated time to learning the craft, or have no real commitment to success or interest in the outcome.
In this incarnation, you have chosen to experience a transformative physical experience from dense matter to crystalline energy. To achieve this, you must be able to find the stillness within and learn to reflect it in all aspects of your life. Balancing your emotions, your thoughts and your actions, is important inner work that leads to great outcomes. Taking the time to question your beliefs around the things that take you off balance can bring great transformation.
The Balance Light Language is to help you on the journey to experiencing more light in areas of your life that may feel heavy or are weighing you down. Sometimes more than one area of your life may feel out of balance in this case take time to find things to appreciate and that are working in your life to capture the frequency that is missing in other places.
With Love