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Healing has never felt so blissful

Lumiere Frequency Cells by Claie

"Every now and again you stumble across something special that changes your life in the most incredible way, Lumiere Frequen Cells are exactly that!"



Meet the miraculous healing cells

If you’ve been looking for something to help soothe you into a faster healing state, but can’t stop focussing on the illness or get out of your head, the Lumiere Frequency Cells by Claie, are perfect for you.  The Individual Frequency Healing downloads address a different area of your body that may require rejuvenation from Blood and Bones to the Thyroid, Lungs, Liver and Kidneys. 


Focussing on the area of your body that requires rejuvenation and healing, The Lumiere Healing Cell works in 3 stages.

First, they neutralise the energy around the specific area of concern within your body, by tuning it into the normal frequency range.  Next, they raise the frequency quality to a higher state for your body to access and integrate. Finally, they harmonise your whole body, to a more calm state so healing can begin to occur.


Why people love the Lumiere Healing Cells

With so much positive customer feedback, we know we are on to something uniquely special.  A new approach to restoring wellness within your physical, emotional, and spiritual bodies, our Lumiere Frequency Cells are the perfect tool to complement a natural therapy solution or any Western or Eastern Medical practice.

The Ancient Healing Frequency

To put it simply, frequency Language is the authentic language of your soul.  It comes through in the form of spoken word, hand signs or drawn symbols, all carrying sacred geometry and the frequency of love, to heal the unaligned aspects we all carry within.


Frequency Language is the ability to communicate with all that is, without the interference of old beliefs or thoughts that are stored and running as programs deep in the mind.  It allows light codes or packets of information to be activated within the emotional, physical, mental and etheric bodies to naturally assist in the restoration of energies that have become blocked or damaged due to low manifested vibration.


The ancient language was spoken in both Lumerian and Atlantean times as well as in other dimensions.  Despite its age, it has only recently been activated on a larger scale across our beautiful planet to those who can receive frequency as clear channels.  It’s an exciting new form of healing capable of reprogramming unwanted thoughts, emotions, and all forms of physical health. 


This unusual-sounding but ever-so-familiar language also contains frequency that can positively affect our DNA, allowing us to become more connected and aware of our soul blueprint and higher purpose in this lifetime and beyond. 


Claie is all about helping you awaken and reconnect with the highest version of you, through this beautiful frequency language.


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natural, healing, women with brown wavy hair middle aged, listening to iPhone on her white

Enjoy a Mini Quantum Heart Healing

Your Heart is truly the centre of your universe.  

Connected to health, emotional happiness and universal energy, your heart plays a key role in the quality of your whole life.


Experience the essence of wellness


I've downloaded 3 Lumiere Frequency Cells with specific purposes, the first to gain more internal and external energetic balance, the next to release resistance and open you up to receiving higher frequencies and finally the last but not least, a dose of high-quality Quantum Energy!



We believe the body knows how to heal itself but sometimes it needs a little extra dose of light.

Promotes Faster Healing

Bypasses the busy and controlling subconscious mind to create the perfect cellular foundation for healing.

Ease Anxiety and Stress around Illness

The relaxing language and soothing sounds created specifically to atune to your concern, encourages a sense of inner peace.

No Chemicals or Toxins

We use only the highest energy filled with light and love.

Affordable & Easy to Use

A small investment in yourself offering a big return that is safe and fun to do.

Advanced High Frequency

A lifetime of learning to Access and Master Quantum Frequency is packed into these little pockets of healing light.


21 Days

A unique and gentle program with daily light language by Claie to help you find  harmony & alignment 



Learn how you can heal your mind and body by understanding the unique frequency of your emotions. 

Claie signature


A Weekly Blog by Claie filled with light language codes and universal secrets to healing with frequency!



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Emotional Frequency Cells

Our emotions play an important role in not only the well-being, and abundance we experience in our life but also contribute to the health of our body.  The Emotional Frequency Cells were created to help you eliminate the programs of thought and feelings associated with them, responsible for repetitive behaviours, and situations that cause you to feel unbalanced.

We are currently working on a new Lumiere Emotion range, that we are excited to share with you.  Sign up to be the first to know when they are released.